
Sunday, 18 April 2010

Sampling Tunbridge Ware - Day 3

Today we had less people attend, which is inevitable when you're running a session over five days during the easter holidays.  But it meant we had a relaxed day.  Two new participants Anne and Helen who are friends of the museum joined us for the day.  They both took part in stitching and worked with Yusra to create and record two new written pieces, again based on a piece of Tunbridge Ware.  We found out that Anne also loved singing, so she wanted to sing her piece.  Her piece is based on these two objects from the collection, part of a seamstress's tools.

She stood up to the mic and seconds later a beautiful voice emerged floating across the room.  Jason and I looked on and listened in awe. That takes some doing, to stand in front of people you'd only just met and sing something so beautifully, with words you'd only just written a few moments before.

Earlier in the morning, Kathie had introduced the day explaining the links between berlin wool work embroidery and early Tunbridge Ware designs: showing a selection of berlin wool work samples she had created herself.

Guided by Kathy's embroidery skills and expertise we started to create our own embroidered samples based on a sample of the visual work were started yesterday.  We hope that by the end of the week that everyone will have contributed to a collective sampler, which will be donated to the museum's collection.

Alongside the stitching, participants continued to work with Jason to create a sound piece using the sampled patterns in Reaktor they created yesterday.  One of the participants brought in two friends to work together to create a collaborative track - the result I'll post later in the week.

It's great.  After only three days we're already starting to build up a diverse collection of written and
spoken word, sounds, images, stitch, patterns and now song.

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