A quick post to say a huge thank you to everyone who made it down to Brixton on thursday to support the Sampler - Culture Clash work in progress event. It was an amazing evening - everything I was hoping for. There was a great mix of people and a really nice vibe. It was great to see people getting involved in the stitching (many for the first time), chatting and being so inventive with the cut n paste and pattern creation activities.
And of course a huge thank you to everyone who made the event possible - in particular the performers on the night: Jason Singh; Yusra Warsama; the embroiderers: Jan, Janice, Liz, Jacquie, Gillian and Moyra; the B-Girls Hattie, Joanne and Azara, Tom and Naz for dj-ing and Rob, Srdjana and Reuben for the visuals and filming.
Over the next few days, weeks and months I'll post clips of the performance, images of the pattern creation, with the corresponding sound, the giant sampler and the cut n paste work.
Once again thank you all for your support, and the amazing feedback we've received so far - it means a huge amount.
For those who weren't able to make it along, we're working towards a major event next year - so keep in touch. For now we're going to reflect on the research we've done so far and see where we take it next - so much more to explore yet.
Oh and if anyone has any photos or film clips of the event they could send me that would be top.